Monthly Archives: November 2013

3rd Grade French lessons with US students – Tres bien!

One of the greatest things, in my opinion, is when we can have collaboration of instruction between grade levels and subjects. It forces the children to look at their instruction in a new light, outside of the context than how … Continue reading

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Say that again?

The age old battle… which side are you on? No, I’m not talking about team Edward or team Jacob (a Twilight reference, my friends). Do you say nuffle bunny or kuh-nuffle bunny?   As it turns out, Mo Willems reports … Continue reading

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Realistic Fiction Shindig

This morning I was invited with other honored guests to read realistic fiction pieces in 1R. It is truly amazing what these young authors have accomplished. I think too often young writers are looked at only as an age or … Continue reading

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Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia

Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia.

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Origins of Literacy

Today I am very excited (but also nervous!) to be collaborating with our admissions department in hosting the first webinar in a series from Hackley. I will be talking about a theory that I’ve been pondering over and have titled … Continue reading

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Variety of texts used

Just a little explanation about the different ways we approach the art of teaching reading here at Hackley. Please excuse my voice- I’ve been fighting off a cold!

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Students teaching students

One of the things I love best about teaching younger students is their enthusiasm to work with each other. As students age many become fearful of what others will think, how they compare to each other, or if they will … Continue reading

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Teachers Adjust Reading Instruction For Common Core

The article linked below has me yelling at my computer screen. I am all for high standards, rigorous expectations and creating a balance between fiction and nonfiction. However, the article points out a major misunderstanding that I keep hearing over … Continue reading

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Child-Proofing Harry Potter –

Some great thoughts on when – and if- to share Harry with your child Child-Proofing Harry Potter –

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Music to my ears…. and soul!

I had the pleasure today of attending a publishing party in 1M. Many classrooms have publishing parties at the end of a unit to acknowledge the hard work that the children have put into their development as writers, and it … Continue reading

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