From NAND to Tetris

Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

The site contains all the software tools and project materials necessary to build a general-purpose computer system from the ground up. We also provide a set of lectures designed to support a typical course on the subject.

The materials are aimed at students, instructors, and self-learners. Everything is free and open-source; as long as you operate in a non-profit educational setting, you are welcome to modify and use our materials as you see fit.

via The Elements of Computing Systems / Nisan & Schocken.

Raspberry Pi, a Computer Tinkerer’s Dream –


Published: January 30, 2013

Raspberry Pi may sound like the name of a math-based dessert. But it is actually one of the hottest and cheapest little computers in the world right now. Almost one million of these $35 machines have shipped since last February, capturing the imaginations of educators, hobbyists and tinkerers around the world.

via Raspberry Pi, a Computer Tinkerer’s Dream –