When working my students through the problem solving process I ask them to evaluate their plans and programs against five adjectives:

Unambiguous – This is most essential for the plan stage of the problem solving process. Plans for a program must be clear, concise, readable and understandable by those following the plan.

Efficient – Are there extra steps? Can the same goal be accomplished in less time or using less code?

Documented – This ties in and helps support unambiguous. Does the program have notes in each section of the program? Can a reader of your code understand it with out having to execute it? Are the variable names descriptive?

Modular – Are sections of code repeated or are they packaged into recallable blocks? Can the code sections be used in other parts of the program or other programs? Are the variable names so descriptive that they only make sense in this program?

Elegant – This is tying together of all the other adjectives. Have the right coding choices been made? Sometimes things like modularity trump efficiency. Is the program beautiful to look at? Are indentation and spacing used appropriately to make the program easy to read? Here experience helps to inform the evaluation.

I keep trying to work these together into an acronym but nothing seems to work MUDEE, MEEDU, DEEMU?


The Beauty and Joy of Computing

The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) is an introductory computer science curriculum developed at the University of California, Berkeley, intended for non-CS majors at the high school junior through undergraduate freshman level. It was one of the five initial pilot programs for the AP CS Principles course being developed by the College Board and the National Science Foundation. We offer it as CS 10 at Berkeley.

via The Beauty and Joy of Computing.

From NAND to Tetris

Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

The site contains all the software tools and project materials necessary to build a general-purpose computer system from the ground up. We also provide a set of lectures designed to support a typical course on the subject.

The materials are aimed at students, instructors, and self-learners. Everything is free and open-source; as long as you operate in a non-profit educational setting, you are welcome to modify and use our materials as you see fit.

via The Elements of Computing Systems / Nisan & Schocken.

Exploring Computer Science Curriculum

Anne, Jennie, and Mary,

I read in the May 2012 edition of the CSTA Voice that the Chicago Public Schools was adopting the Exploring Computer Science curriculum for students. CPS is also providing PD for its faculty to support their move to transform technology education teachers into computer science teachers. That is a major decision and undertaking for such a large district!

Developed by a cadre of west coast high school and college professionals, this curriculum is designed to introduce high school students to the field of computer science and is aligned with the goals of the ACM’s A Model Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science (2003). Most objectives align with level 3 while some align with level 4 of the ACM document. We have reviewed the ACM model curriculum document in our department meetings and the specific objectives are in our shared google doc.

At first review it’s easy to see that our current Computers I: Technology in a Digital Age class follows a similar approach and employs many similar types of learning activities – another indication that we appear to be on the right CS path when compared with schools and districts around the country. I thought I would share the link in the event you wanted to review the scope and sequence and/or the full curriculum for ideas –



From: Tusch, Erich
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 1:27 PM
To: Lyons, Jennie; Budlong, Anne; Murray-Jones, Mary; Dioguardi, III, J. Edward
Cc: King, Andrew
Subject: Exploring Computer Science curriculum