Learn To Program TV

LearnToProgram Media is a leading publisher of web, mobile, and game development courses that are used by over 125,000 people in 65 countries. LearnToProgram’s valuable network of technical resources includes content on YouTube, iTunes, and Roku, as well as books, free tutorials, and online courses. The company is based outside of Hartford, Connecticut.

via About Us.

Python for Kids | No Starch Press

Python is a powerful, expressive programming language that’s easy to learn and fun to use! But books about learning to program in Python can be kind of dull, gray, and boring, and that’s no fun for anyone.

Python for Kids brings Python to life and brings you (and your parents) into the world of programming. The ever-patient Jason R. Briggs will guide you through the basics as you experiment with unique (and often hilarious) example programs that feature ravenous monsters, secret agents, thieving ravens, and more. New terms are defined; code is colored, dissected, and explained; and quirky, full-color illustrations keep things on the lighter side.

via Python for Kids | No Starch Press.

Who are we? | Grok Learning

We believe that a solid computer science understanding is vital whether you want to fight climate change, make the next blockbuster movie or unlock the secrets of the universe.

We’ve taught thousands of students across Australia to program in classrooms, lecture halls and online, and are now bringing top-notch STEM education into classrooms and homes around the world.

via Who are we? | Grok Learning.

The Media Computing Group : Arduino in a Nutshell

I’ve taught Arduino in class for a few years now, mostly to CS students, and just the other day introduced two friends to it again. Being on sabbatical and all, I couldn’t keep myself from just writing through the rest of that night and adding some Fritzing diagrams the next morning, and the result was a short little booklet introducing Arduino basics. I’ve since debugged it and added a bit more polish.

Yet another one, you say? Yes – the Arduino boards and IDE change so frequently that first-step tutorials and books are bound to become outdated after just a few months. I wanted something that got people started with the latest stable “beginner’s” board and IDE. I plan to update it as new boards and IDE versions come out, but I’ll keep older versions online too, so you can use them if you start out with an older board.

I’m forcing myself to keep it to one book page per experiment wherever possible – as I add information, I tighten up my writing to stay within that limit. Helps keep me from rambling on.

I also wanted to capture the fun of our hands-on learning session, with very little overhead. It’s written for people who’ve done a bit of programming at some point in their lives, but are new to electronics, and all experiments together can be completed in a long-ish night.


Finally, I wanted something that doesn’t take up your laptop screen while you’re working in the Arduino IDE, so it’s a PDF you can print, cut and bind into a 8×6″ booklet. That also happens to be the screen size of an iPad. 🙂

Feel free to use this for yourself, with your friends, or in your classes, and let me know how it goes! A request: instead of hosting a local copy of the PDF on your servers, simply link to http://hci.rwth-aachen.de/arduino. That way we can make sure everybody always gets the latest version, instead of old copies floating around. I’ll archive older versions here too. Thanks!

— Jan Borchers

via The Media Computing Group : Arduino in a Nutshell.

Adafruit Learning System

Master the Arduino with these easy to follow lessons

We’re pleased to announce that we are updating all our Arduino tutorials with a new series! Arduino Lessons by Dr. Simon Monk & Ladyada! Simon is one of the best educational writers in the world and we also stock his fantastic books here in the Adafruit store!

Over the course of a few weeks we will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the Arduino.  Learn how to use your Arduino to blink an LED, control a motor, play sounds, hook up an LCD display, and much more.  Check back each day for a NEW lesson!

Click here to get started

via Adafruit Learning System.


Programmr is the world’s online lab for students and enthusiasts to practice programming and assess their skills.

Our philosophy:

It is our strong belief that programming is best learned at your own pace in a self-taught environment. We believe you shouldn’t have to join expensive IT colleges or IT institutes to become a good programmer when you can do so right at your home at almost no cost. Our goal at Programmr is to give you enough skills to write sophisticated programs in your favorite language so that you can get a well-paying job as a programmer or enhance your market value even further.

A little about Programmr:


At Programmr (erstwhile Programr) you can code, compile & run projects right in the browser in almost any language. You can code & run command-line programs, web applications, mobile apps, database apps as well as rich media apps right in the browser.

With our new Auto-faculty module, you can also assess your skills in any popular programming language.

via About Programmr | Programmr.

Coding Nation | Kapor Center

The Kapor Center has collected information on 300+ programs or software that teach youth and adults elements of computer science and coding. This is not an exhaustive list, as this field is rapidly growing. As stated in the introduction, we’re hoping that the larger community will help us to frequently update this list as programs continue to launch.

The primary objective of this Coding Landscape Database is to catalogue organizations that provide some type of coding training. We’ve generally categorized the range of programs into these clusters:

Bootcamps: Intensives that prepare participants for at least entry-level developer positions.

Certifications: Trainings that result in a certification/credential, badge, or belt to identify skill development progress.

Corporation-focused: Courses that provide training to corporations or on behalf of a specific corporation.

Hackathons: Event in which individuals collaborate in a short and intense time period (typically 24 to 72 hours) to build a mobile or web application.

There are many valuable networks and support organizations that help convene and/or advocate for people who work in the tech and coding space. These organizations were not a focus of this data collection effort, and many are not captured in this database. General STEM-oriented programs were also not a focus of this effort and are largely not included. For an organization to be categorized as a bootcamp, it had to have an intensive program over a set period of time that prepares a participant for at least an entry-level coding job.

The primary objective of this Coding Landscape Database is to catalogue organizations that provide some type of coding training. We’ve generally categorized the range of programs into these clusters:

Bootcamps: Intensives that prepare participants for at least entry-level developer positions.

Certifications: Trainings that result in a certification/credential, badge, or belt to identify skill development progress.

Corporation-focused: Courses that provide training to corporations or on behalf of a specific corporation.

Hackathons: Event in which individuals collaborate in a short and intense time period (typically 24 to 72 hours) to build a mobile or web application.

There are many valuable networks and support organizations that help convene and/or advocate for people who work in the tech and coding space. These organizations were not a focus of this data collection effort, and many are not captured in this database. General STEM-oriented programs were also not a focus of this effort and are largely not included. For an organization to be categorized as a bootcamp, it had to have an intensive program over a set period of time that prepares a participant for at least an entry-level coding job.

continue reading Coding Nation | Kapor Center.

Computer Programming for Beginners – Code Conquest

Welcome to Code Conquest – a FREE online guide to computer programming for beginners.

If you’re someone who wants to learn coding, but you haven’t got a clue where to start, you’ve come to the right place.

This site has all the step-by-step information you need to get started.

via Computer Programming for Beginners – Code Conquest.

AgentSheets – AgentCubes in a Box

We are pleased to announce the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) is now offering “AgentCubes in a Box” – a complete example curriculum that introduces Computational Thinking with our Scalable Game Design process! Students use the freely downloadable version of AgentCubes program to make a working 3D Maze Craze game. This easily-downloadable guide takes you through all the steps!

via AgentSheets.