I was just in Allen Hall checking out the books that are available for our book fair…. and I realized I might have a bit of an obsession for books. It is CRAZY how much books make me happy- but specifically- being able to hold the actual text in my hands, to feel the book jacket and flip through the thick pages……. Love it. A happy user of an ePub I will never be.
With that being said, it reminded me to remind you that if you are joining in on our online book club, I noticed that one of our books, Fish in a Tree, is there for purchase. It is also on the list for recommended reading for children going into the Middle School- so if your child is reading it for the summer our online book club would be a perfect compliment!
The other two books are :The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman and Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate. Sign up and I’ll see you online!