Talking About Failure: What Parents Can Do to Motivate Kids in School

When children view their abilities as something they can change over time, they’re more apt to deal well with challenges, researchers say. And what parents say can help or hurt.

Source: Talking About Failure: What Parents Can Do to Motivate Kids in School

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Register through summer programs

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Newly accepted 1st-4th LS students

If you are a newly accepted 1-4th grade family at Hackley, please don’t forget to contact me to set up your literacy assessment! Appointments are filled on a first requested, first assigned basis.


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Book Fair @ Hackley

I was just in Allen Hall checking out the books that are available for our book fair…. and I realized I might have a bit of an obsession for books. It is CRAZY how much books make me happy- but specifically- being able to hold the actual text in my hands, to feel the book jacket and flip through the thick pages……. Love it. A happy user of an ePub I will never be.

With that being said, it reminded me to remind you that if you are joining in on our online book club, I noticed that one of our books, Fish in a Tree, is there for purchase. It is also on the list for recommended reading for children going into the Middle School- so if your child is reading it for the summer our online book club would be a perfect compliment!

The other two books are :The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman and Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate. Sign up and I’ll see you online!


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Children Diagnosed with ADHD: Relative Age May Play a Crucial Role

I thought this was an interesting article. Disclaimer – please be advised that this article was posted by a company that promotes a ADHD management program.

Source: Children Diagnosed with ADHD: Relative Age May Play a Crucial Role

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Dyslexia Apps – Sunshine and Hurricanes

Discover all the ways technology can provide apps to help with dyslexia. Whether on a tablet or ipad, these dyslexia apps are perfect for kids or adults

Source: Dyslexia Apps – Sunshine and Hurricanes

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Summer Online Reading

Summer Registration is open! The books we are reading are:

June 13-July 1
Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

July 11-July 29
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Aug 8- Aug 26
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate


Designed to keep students engaged with literacy during the long summer months while using technology.

Using a collaborative WordPress blog platform, students will respond to structured prompts while gaining deeper understanding and appreciation of texts with additional tools (audio recordings, links to media such as videos and lessons) to help them gain deeper understanding of the text, resources beyond those many parents are able to access.

Structured as three 3-week sessions running throughout the summer, this program welcomes summer long participants as well as those joining just one or two sessions.

Participants will be responsible for completing reading by de ned due dates, and then analyze and answer questions provided by the instructor. At times, students will be asked to respond to each other, collaborating in a “book club” formula in which group members are assigned “jobs,” such as literary illuminator, passage predictor, etc.

The summer online clubs are a bit different from the ones we do during the school year- they are much more comprehensive and require a good deal more reading than what I ask for during the year. The reasoning is due to the fact that the children have other academic responsibilities during the school year, whereas during the summer the children will be able to delve more deeply into text because they do not have many other academic requirements. 

Please visit the Hackley Summer Program Page to sign up! Open to all – not just Hackley students!

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Processing Speed | Slow Processing Speed | Expert Chats – Understood

Learn more about processing speed issues during this live expert chat.

Source: Processing Speed | Slow Processing Speed | Expert Chats – Understood

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9 Terms to Know About Executive Function | What Is Working Memory? – Understood

What terms do teachers and doctors use to talk about executive functioning issues? Here are clear definitions of nine of them, including working memory.

Source: 9 Terms to Know About Executive Function | What Is Working Memory? – Understood

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The Homework Debate

This year, Regina DiStefano and Madeleine Lopez (co-directors of the AT program), began a practice in sharing articles they’ve located and facilitating conversations about the material with fellow colleagues. Their most recently shared article, about homework in independent schools, struck a particular nerve with me. The homework conversation is one that comes up each year, especially in admissions season. We often get asked by prospective parents about our homework policy, and then about how much is assigned. I always wonder though, shouldn’t we be focusing more on what is assigned?

Please read the article here, which lives on the NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) website.

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