Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia

Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia.

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Origins of Literacy

Today I am very excited (but also nervous!) to be collaborating with our admissions department in hosting the first webinar in a series from Hackley. I will be talking about a theory that I’ve been pondering over and have titled “Origins of Literacy”. It’s about how important our emotional connections to literacy can be in forming our attitudes towards text; and how as adults its important we teach the art of questioning and using metacognition with the children around us.

If you have any questions about today’s webinar or those for the future, please don’t hesitate to contact our admissions assistant director, Jennifer Bonnano, at 914-366-2610. There should be a recording of today’s session, so please let me know if you would like to receive it!

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Variety of texts used

Just a little explanation about the different ways we approach the art of teaching reading here at Hackley. Please excuse my voice- I’ve been fighting off a cold!

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Students teaching students

One of the things I love best about teaching younger students is their enthusiasm to work with each other. As students age many become fearful of what others will think, how they compare to each other, or if they will be judged in some other way. The little ones tend to dive in head first when presented with the opportunity to take part in think pair shares or reading/writing partnerships. 

Today, some first grade children decided to switch roles from being a student to teacher. They visited KRD to teach the Kindergarteners all about independent reading book shopping, and to give some details on what it looked like and felt like. They did a fantastic job:)

1st Teaching K


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Teachers Adjust Reading Instruction For Common Core

The article linked below has me yelling at my computer screen. I am all for high standards, rigorous expectations and creating a balance between fiction and nonfiction. However, the article points out a major misunderstanding that I keep hearing over and over again when it comes down to teaching reading. Why must there only be one way to teach reading? Why must it either be leveled or content based? It needs to be BOTH. That’s why balanced literacy WORKS- so why aren’t more schools really supporting their teachers in this endeavor? I hear and read often that schools use “balanced literacy”. However, there seems to be a misunderstanding about what that means. If you aren’t using all the weights that incorporate the balanced literacy model, then it is NOT balanced.

Teachers Adjust Reading Instruction For Common Core.

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Child-Proofing Harry Potter –

Some great thoughts on when – and if- to share Harry with your child Child-Proofing Harry Potter –

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Music to my ears…. and soul!

I had the pleasure today of attending a publishing party in 1M. Many classrooms have publishing parties at the end of a unit to acknowledge the hard work that the children have put into their development as writers, and it give the authors a chance to share their work with peers and the LS faculty.

After each child read their masterpiece to me, I asked them how they felt about themselves as a writer, and what they learned from this writing experience. I did a get a few expected answers, such as “good” and “I learned how to write better”; but I did also hear a few gems that made my writing heart sing. One author told me that, “I learned that I have to put a lot of detail in my writing because the person who is reading it wasn’t there and I have to make them understand what I saw and how I felt.” Another writer told me that she felt “really proud of myself that I wrote so much because before I had a hard time stretching my stories out. Now I know how to do it because we practiced a lot and I could read it to my friends and they would ask me questions. If they asked questions then I knew I had something missing in my story.”  How GREAT is that???? IMG_0479 IMG_0482

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The Cool Books Project

How many of these have you read yet? These are being added to my must reads…..The Cool Books Project. I can’t believe how many books are out there that I need to read- it’s a bit overwhelming!

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Appropriate Content for Gifted Readers | Duke TIP

Great link for so many Hackley families…..Appropriate Content for Gifted Readers | Duke TIP.

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An examination of the relationship between reading comprehension, higher-level and lower-level reading sub-skills in adults

A very interesting read- An examination of the relationship between reading comprehension, higher-level and lower-level reading sub-skills in adults.

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