The Classroom or Library as a Maker Space | User Generated Education

Makerspaces, Maker Education, STEM, and STEAM are gaining lots of traction in Kindergarten though college level education. Articles, resources on social media, and conference presentations on these topics are proliferating at a rate that most educators are now familiar with maker education. Makerspaces like vocational shops and science labs are great additions to schools. They often contain the tools, machinery, and technologies associated with making – 3D printers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters, high tech

Source: The Classroom or Library as a Maker Space | User Generated Education

Maker Space Gallery | NAIS 2016 Annual Conference Online Community

The following Gallery of Independent Maker Spaces was formed from schools that submitted materials about the maker spaces they have on their campuses. You can add your school to this gallery by completing the submission form.

Source: Maker Space Gallery | NAIS 2016 Annual Conference Online Community

Out of the Box Approach to Planning Makerspaces | Tech Learning

One of the most rewarding experiences in writing my second book (The Kickstart Guide to Making GREAT Makerspaces, Fall 2017) has been having the honor of being able to highlight and showcase GREAT makerspaces far and wide. In doing that research, I discovered some unconventional spaces that clearly have taken an out of the box approach to planning their makerspaces.Despite the many spaces out there that are essentially exactly alike, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to planning a makerspace. Makerspaces should as unique and meaningful as the communities they are in. It is my hope that the links and spaces below can a new and unique perspective on what makerspaces can be.  Each space described below is unique, emphasizing different skills or themes.  Although some of these spaces are not in K-12 schools, there certainly are things we can learn and apply to educational makerspaces.

Source: Out of the Box Approach to Planning Makerspaces | Tech Learning


TechShop® is a vibrant, creative community that provides access to tools, software and space. You can make virtually anything at TechShop®. Come and build your dreams!TechShop is a vibrant, creative community that provides access to tools, software and space. You can make virtually anything at TechShop. Come and build your dreams here!A playground for creativity, TechShop is an open-access, DIY workshop and fabrication studio. We are a community-based space where entrepreneurs, artists, makers, teachers and students come together to learn and work together.
Source: TechShop is the 1st International Open-Access Workshop — What Do You Want To Make at TechShop?

Maker Commons – Penn State

Maker Commons is a university-wide initiative to enrich the teaching and learning experience through 3D printing, rapid prototyping, design thinking and direct support for students, faculty and staff. We provide an open access 3D printing service based on MakerBot technology that allows any member of the Penn State community to print on-demand.  Rapid prototyping of electronic devices is made possible in the Invention Studio with an assortment of littleBits and Legos.

Source: Maker Commons | About Us

ISTE | Infographic: Create a school makerspace in 3 easy steps

This is an updated version of a post that published on June 24, 2014.

As maker education gains steam, many educators are looking for ways to incorporate making and tinkering into their schools and classrooms — often on a shoestring budget.“Kids are saying they want to learn more about technology and science, but they also want to experience it creatively and use it personally,” said Dale Dougherty, founder of Make Media, which produces Maker Faire and Make Magazine. “One of the ways we can do that is create more makerspaces for kids.But what makes a makerspace? Dougherty and other maker movement advocates have identified several common elements of successful makerspaces:

  • They promote learning through play and experimentation.
  • They’re cross-disciplinary, with elements of art, science and craftsmanship.
  • They offer tools and materials that encourage students to create rather than consume.

Makerspaces can be elaborate learning spaces equipped with sophisticated tools and supplies, but they don’t have to be. To find out how easy it is to create a makerspace with limited space and resources, take a look at the infographic below then read on for more information.

Source: ISTE | Infographic: Create a school makerspace in 3 easy steps

The Makery

A PLAYGROUND FOR MAKING WITH TECHNOLOGYThe future needs people who can creatively Make.At The Makery youth and adults are encouraged to be curious, to tinker, to experiment, and to make with technology.  We are a place where communities can gather to play with the creative power of digital design and fabrication, electronics, physical computing, engineering, art and creative coding.

Source: The Makery

Einstein’s Workshop – STEAM Classes for Kids

We are dedicated to inspiring children and adults in their exploration of science, technology, engineering, art, and Math (STEAM). We provide the scaffolding necessary for students to explore, grow, and gain confidence at their own pace–developing fluency in the science and engineering concepts they need to succeed in our tech-driven society. Our friendly and intuitive approach offers hands-on learning opportunities in classes, workshops, and in our drop-in exploration space.

Source: Einstein’s Workshop – STEAM Classes for Kids – Our Mission

What Colleges Can Gain by Adding Makerspaces to its Libraries | MindShift | KQED News

Libraries are one of the fastest-evolving learning spaces. As many resources move online, and teachers require students to collaborate more and demonstrate their learning, librarians are trying to keep up. Some are evenspearheading the changes. Public libraries have led the effort to provide access to 21st century technologies and learning resources, but now university and K-12 libraries are beginning to catch up. Makerspaces are one way a few groundbreaking libraries are trying to provide equal access to exciting technologies and skills.

Source: What Colleges Can Gain by Adding Makerspaces to its Libraries | MindShift | KQED News