Using 3DC in education is becoming increasingly popular. Our app is already integrated in innovation and 3D education curriculums in multiple schools across Europe, North America and Australia.
Source: 3DC | Build Your Story
Using 3DC in education is becoming increasingly popular. Our app is already integrated in innovation and 3D education curriculums in multiple schools across Europe, North America and Australia.
Source: 3DC | Build Your Story
Enter new dimensions
Publish, share and discover 3D content online and in VR. With a community of over half a million creators contributing over a million models, we are the largest platform to publish, share and discover 3D content online and in VR. Our technology integrates with every major 3D creation tool and publishing platform and supports almost every 3D format directly through our site or using one of our official exporters. Using our universal 3D & VR player, your creations can be embedded on any web page and every major network including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, WordPress, Bēhance, DeviantArt and Kickstarter.We are proud to be the official 3D publishing partner of Adobe Photoshop, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Hololens, Intel RealSense and more.
We are backed by great investors, including Balderton Capital, Partech Ventures, Borealis Ventures, Techstars and Firstmark Capital.
Source: About Us – Sketchfab
The following Gallery of Independent Maker Spaces was formed from schools that submitted materials about the maker spaces they have on their campuses. You can add your school to this gallery by completing the submission form.
Source: Maker Space Gallery | NAIS 2016 Annual Conference Online Community
By Gaby Galvin | Contributor
May 22, 2017, at 5:13 p.m.
In Texas, a 13-year-old boy built a robot that could rescue victims of natural disasters. In Georgia, a 15-year-old girl developed a device that alerts parents who have have left their child in the car. And in California, a 13-year-old boy created a Braille printer that would be almost six times cheaper than the currently available model.
Young people aren’t just the future. They’re the present, innovating and creatively solving problems in a range of fields. Students across the country, from every background, have the ability to build new products that could change lives around the world.
Source: Makers Movement Changes the Educational Landscape | Maker Cities | US News
Visitors: Erich, Jed, Waits
Visited: MakerSpace, Graphics Arts Classroom, Library with Media Meeting Rooms, and Video Production Studio
[envira-gallery id=”308″]
SketchUp in a browser for Primary and Secondary Schools signed up with G Suite for Education.
Source: EDU SketchUp | SketchUp
Do you have a creative idea but don’t know where to start? Are you looking to build some new skills and have fun in the process? We’ve made it simple for you to find the information and inspiration you need to start making!
Source: Autodesk | Making Starts Here
Makerspaces are workshops with an emphasis on creativity, collaboration, and community in which students can learn, experiment with new tools, develop skills, and become innovators and designers. They can exist as a corner within a classroom, as a portable cart, as a room that is part of a school library or computer lab, or as a stand-alone shop or facility.Makerspace programs can provide significant benefits to a school community in terms of student engagement, empowerment, and content learning as well as 21st century skills.
The design and implementation of a makerspace are critical to its success. While exciting digital tools may draw students in, it’s the empowered learning that keeps students engaged. Makerspace leaders should consider activities, training, and academic integration to be at least as important as the tools and materials.
The Edgerton Center periodically offers workshops for K-12 educators on how best to integrate a makerspace into the classroom. Check this page for upcoming workshops.
Source: Makerspaces | Edgerton Center