How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition

This interactive book is a product of the Runestone Interactive Project at Luther College, led by Brad Miller and David Ranum. There have been many contributors to the project. Our thanks especially to the following:

  • This book is based on the Original work by: Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers
  • Activecode based on Skulpt
  • Codelens based on Online Python Tutor
  • Many contributions from the CSLearning4U research group at Georgia Tech.
  • ACM-SIGCSE for the special projects grant that funded our student Isaac Dontje Lindell for the summer of 2013.
  • NSF

The Runestone Interactive tools are open source and we encourage you to contact us, or grab a copy from GitHub if you would like to use them to write your own resources.
Source: Table of Contents — How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition

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