Monthly Archives: August 2014

Teaching computer science — without touching a computer | The Hechinger Report

ByAnnie Murphy Paul A group of children on a playground, each kid clutching a slip of paper with a number on it, moves along a line drawn in chalk, comparing numbers as they go and sorting themselves into ascending order … Continue reading

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Hack ‘n’ Slash

INTRODUCING HACK ‘N’ SLASH Howdy! I’m Brandon Dillon, the project lead on Hack ‘n’ Slash, Double Fine’s upcoming puzzle adventure game about hacking and reverse engineering. When I was a kid, I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade on betamax over … Continue reading

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Three Video Games That Teach Programming Through Play | MindShift

August 27, 2014 By Tanner Higgin, Graphite The push to get kids to code has been such a hot topic these past few years you might be sick of hearing about it. There are those that see code as a … Continue reading

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Online Code Editor – Codeanywhere

Codeanywhere is cloud based code editor that enables users to develop, maintain and collaborate on their web sites and application from any device, anywhere in the world.At Codeanywhere people keep up with their projects, edit their web sites and the … Continue reading

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LearnToMod | Minecraft Modding For Kids – LearnToMod

LearnToMod teaches you how to code by teaching you how to mod Minecraft. It gives you two different ways to code: with blocks or with Javascript. Learn To Mod from Stephen Foster on Vimeo. via LearnToMod | Minecraft Modding For … Continue reading

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Year of Code

Year of Code is an independent, non-profit campaign to encourage people across the country to get coding for the first time in 2014. Through code people can discover the power of computer science, changing the way they think about, and … Continue reading

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Hello! p5.js is a JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of Processing, to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners, and reinterprets this for today’s web.Using the original metaphor of a software sketchbook, p5.js has a … Continue reading

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