Where Does Tech-ed Belong in Edtech? | EdSurge News

Students need to learn how to create, not consume, technologies in the classroom.

Edtech is about the use of technology in education, but does it include technology education? Should it include computer science education?

“Edtech” is an all-inclusive term, and computer science is thrown in along with iPad apps, blended learning, BYOD strategies and everything else. However, computer science education sometimes appears to be that distant cousin in the edtech family; it must be included in the party but no one really knows how to deal with it.

Most of the edtech community is interested in “using technology” to improve student learning in what is already being taught in our schools–math, reading, science, etc. We are excited that our students now use a browser to do research, Google docs to write and online games for math drills. We are happy that our teachers use a cool app to create a spelling quiz, or a YouTube video to teach math.

But while these are all significant steps in using technology to enhance traditional learning, we are not yet changing the “what and how” in student learning. Students and teachers are still consuming technology, but not necessarily understanding how to use it to create their own tools.

continue reading- Where Does Tech ed Belong in Edtech? | EdSurge News.

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