COMPUTER CODE UNDERPINS many aspect of our lives. Usually we know exactly what we want that code to do—but what if we didn’t? This is the question posed by Los Angeles software artist Casey Reas, who employs code to form abstract, bewildering, and literally unexpected creations.Reas received his MS from the MIT Media Arts and Sciences program, where he focused on “Behavior Computational Sculpture.” When he graduated in 2001, he transitioned to a career in graphic design. But he soon began fusing the two disciplines. Today, his artwork reflects that fusion. Each of his pieces begins as a logic-based system. He describes that system in code that translates it into a visual, digital form. Then he fine tunes the results; he doesn’t know exactly what he’ll get the first go-around—which he says is the beauty of it.
Today’s Ideology (26 July 2015) from Casey REAS on Vimeo.
Source: Why Use a Paintbrush When You Can Make Mind-Bending Art With Code? | WIRED