Infosys Foundation USA – Mission

Infosys Foundation USA is focused on bridging the digital divide in America by supporting high quality computer science education and coding skills with a particular focus on under-represented communities. It aims to give children and young adults the skills they need to become creators, not just consumers, of technology.  In pursuit of this mission, in 2015 alone, the Foundation has partnered with many internationally acclaimed non-profits and institutions like, New York Academy of Sciences,, GirlsWhoCode and the CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. In addition, Infosys Foundation USA recently committed a million dollars to the Infy Maker Awards to inspire makers across the U.S. to demonstrate creative excellence in making projects with genuine impact.Why Computer Science?Infosys believes in learning for life and that technology and learning can greatly amplify human potential. Every day, we see how computing technology can improve an average person’s ability to be more productive and valuable to the economy. And so, through the Infosys Foundation USA, we are committed to making quality computing education widely and easily accessible to everyone in the communities that we participate in. We want to ensure that lack of resources, exposure, prior skills and STEM proficiency are no longer barriers for individuals seeking to advance their computer programming skills. From enabling computer education in K-12, to supporting research in computer science, and empowering adults with IT training that enhances their employability, we will help catalyze a human revolution.

Source: Infosys Foundation USA – Mission

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