May 23

Writing Tips

By Emily H.

Hey, have you ever felt scared or have anxiety when you’re thinking about the writing process or when writing a story? Well, I’m here to give you some tips to help relieve some stress and make you excited about writing! Here are my go to tips for writing a really powerful story! 

#1: Before you start writing you need to think of a topic. Here’s a tip, you can think of a couple topics because it might be more stressful to think of only one topic.

#2: You need to set the characters and setting. Thinking about real people you know can help and relieve a lot of stress and get really dynamic characters .

#3: Think of the plot. Again, you can take from your own life’s experiences.I have found that some of the best stories are based on real life and real people. 

#4: When drafting, you don’t want to spend a lot of time on capitalization or spelling. Instead, just focus on the story and add as many details as possible.

#5: When you revise and edit, you can scan with your fingers. Scanning for mistakes can help a lot, and reading it out loud to other people or yourself helps.

#6:  When you publish, make sure to be confident when presenting and sharing with friends or family.

I really hope that these tips and steps helped you relieve some stress you may have when writing. Thanks for reading my paragraph about writing.

Posted May 23, 2022 by Carolyn Enow-Pluchino in category Uncategorized