April 18

All About Mr. Diaz.

by Arya J., Lianna T., and Emily H.

Swish Swoosh! There goes Mr. Diaz painting with his brush. We wanted to highlight one of the most amazing art teachers, Mr. Diaz! So let’s take a look, first, you should know that Mr. Diaz makes magnificent artwork. Where does his passion come from? Next, a really popular question is where is his inspiration from? Well, we have the answer to that. We interviewed Mr. Diaz and here are his answers. We asked him first “when did he become interested in art?” He said “When I was in kindergarten.” The next question we asked was where he got his inspiration. According to Mr. Diaz, he feels like he is still a child inside and loves to create art that inspires others! He has a strong art style of pop and conceptual art trajectory. Mr. Diaz wants to celebrate his Cuban heritage and culture, as well as his love of LEGO, through his artwork. You can find out more about his work at his website, rickanthonydiaz.com. Mr. Diaz also has a youtube channel that teaches art tutorials to children and adults. The next question we asked him was, how old was Mr. Diaz when he became an artist? “I was in my twenties, ” Mr. Diaz replied. Lastly, we wanted to know about how he enjoyed working at Hackley. Mr. Diaz mentioned that he was really excited to teach kids about art. Lastly, we really enjoyed to learn more about Mr. Diaz I hope you enjoyed it too!

Art by Mr. Diaz.


Posted April 18, 2022 by Carolyn Enow-Pluchino in category Uncategorized