February 28

Fencing at Hackley

 by Madan M. and Leroy G.

Fencing is a sport where you use swords. Fencing is also a sport that teaches you different strategies to use against skill levels and builds up endurance and sportsmanship. You can start fencing at any age at Hackley School. There is an after school program for grades 2 through 4.  The program is taught by Coach Gall. This club is on Fridays, the club is at the Johnson Center. Let me tell you a little bit more about this club. In this club for the first couple weeks we learn the rules, how to hold the sword, and the basics of fencing. There is also a Hackley varsity team for fencing. We wanted to share our experience of the Hackley Fencing program. “The first few weeks of fencing was taught by different Hackley varsity fencers and we both learned the basics of fencing.” After the first couple of weeks, we being practicing all of our fencing skills. It can get a bit repetitive, but this is the way we get better! Later in the curriculum is A LOT of practice and honing our skills to get better! We hope you consider joining the fencing club at Hackley.


Posted February 28, 2022 by Madan Mehta in category Uncategorized