January 24

Shrinking Supply Chain

by Sid M. and Madan M.

Pencils, crayons, paper! These are all materials that we find in our classrooms. But the question remains….how do we get these items? Where do they come from? Hackley is part of a supply chain that gets the materials needed as soon as possible. But sometimes it takes longer than it should. Well, we interviewed Nicholas Muzyka, Hackley’s purchasing agent and asked him questions related to Hackley’s role in the supply chain. These were some of his responses: Copy paper was a problem to get, he announced. Mr. Muzyka also said technology has been delayed. For example, Mr Muzyka said two iPads he ordered in October 2021 are coming in January 2022. Also, masks and office furniture are taking way too long to be delivered.

There is a problem with the food too! We interviewed Michael Yanez, the head of Flik at Hackley. He reported that we are having the most trouble getting the simplest of things, such as chicken, beef and fish. Normally, it would take two deliveries to replace items that were shorted from a previous delivery. Chicken tenders and fries were also hard to get, according to Mr. Yanez. We had to over purchase to keep a high inventory of meats, so we would not run out. The good news is that some foods have been easy to get, like fruits (apples, oranges, bananas), vegetables (broccoli, green beans, cauliflower) and lettuce for salads. When asked what are some of the most popular foods, Mr. Yanez said that chicken tenders, pasta, burgers, bananas, fruit salad, roasted broccoli, bagels, and caesar salad are the most popular with students and teachers. 

We want to thank Mr. Muzyka and Mr. Yanez for answering our questions and giving us important information.


Posted January 24, 2022 by Siddhant in category Uncategorized