January 24

 A Day in the Life of a New 2nd Grader

     Have you ever been new to a grade? How did you feel? At Hackley we have 3 second grade classes with approximately 16 new students a year. We interviewed two new second grade students from 2F , Charlie and Marlowe, and asked them questions about Hackley. We asked them about what a typical day in school was like , and this is how they responded: 

     When asked what a typical morning is like, Charlie said, “we order lunch, get settled, have morning meeting, and go to science or music. When we return to class, we usually have math.” We then asked Marlowe what a typical afternoon is like. She said, we eat lunch, have PE every day. Then we have guided reading or social studies. At the end of the week, we have a reflection.”

     Another question we asked was about their favorite subject. Charlie and Marlowe both reported that their favorite subject is social studies. Charlie and Marlowe said that they love learning about different countries, continents and landscapes. When asked how they are adjusting to a new school, both students said it’s getting easier and they are more comfortable at Hackley. So now you know what it is like to be a new student in second grade at Hackley!


Posted January 24, 2022 by Leroy in category Uncategorized