10 Python Teaching Resources You Really Should Be Using – teachcomputing.wordpress.com

Since I first started teaching text-based programming with Python in 2011, I’ve discovered some resources that I make use of regularly. I still use these extensively with the teachers that I support as part of my work with Exa Education. I’m sure that others reading this post may like to suggest other tools, and I would encourage you to add them as a comment on this post.

When I made my first tentative steps into the world of Python I was pleasantly surprised how welcoming, supportive and accommodating I found the Python community to be. The vast abundance of high quality, free teaching and learning resources are testament to this. Though you might equate the word ‘resource’ to describe something more akin to a textbook or webpage, without the assiduous efforts of the Python community the resources listed below would simply not exist.
Source: 10 Python Teaching Resources You Really Should Be Using – teachcomputing.wordpress.com

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