FAQ – General

2021-2022 Upper School Student Device FAQs for Parents and Students

General Program FAQs

Does my child need to have a computing device as a student in the Upper School?

Yes. Each student should have immediate access to a mobile computing device during every class. This device will be used to support learning across their Upper School course work.


Can my child opt out and not have a computing device available?

No. Your child will need to have a device in order to fully participate in his/her classes.


Why does my child need a computer device as an Upper School student?

The Upper School has fully integrated mobile computing in meaningful ways within classes across our curricula. As examples, data collected through student and faculty surveys have shown that students will use these devices for note taking, in-class writing, research, communicating with faculty, coaches and other students, accessing learning materials, creating and giving presentations, annotating text, and recording and processing both audio and video.


Can students bring in their own computing devices to class?

Yes. Hackley School is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) school. Students using their personally owned devices will be given access to the school’s wireless network.


Does Hackley School supply a device for my child?

All students new to the Hackley Upper School will have the option of receiving a Hackley-owned Chromebook to use throughout their Upper School years. Students declining the offer will supply their own device.


Is there a charge if my child were to decide to take a Hackley-owned Chromebook?

There is no additional charge for taking a Hackley-owned Chromebook. The device will be owned by Hackley and considered on-loan to the student.


If my child were to choose to take a Hackley-owned Chromebook, would he/she be able to keep the device during the summer months?

The student would keep the device with him/her over the summer months and return it to us as he/she graduates. If your child should decide to move to a personally-owned device before graduation, then the Hackley-owned Chromebook would also need to be returned to the school at that point.


My child was an 8th grader at Hackley. Can my child simply keep the Chromebook he/she used in 8th grade?

At the end of their 8th grade year your child will be required to return the Chromebook issued to them in Middle School. Through a survey conducted by the tech department, students will be asked if they would like to receive a Chromebook back again in August, prior to the start of their 9th grade year. Returning Hackley students declining the offer will supply their own device.


What kind of device would you recommend my Upper School child use?

The Chromebook is our minimally required device. There are two primary factors that support this recommendation. First, an overwhelming majority of the learning resources used in our classrooms are Internet-based. Secondly, there is a great deal of writing required of upper school students across our curricula. A device with a fully functional web browser and a full-size keyboard will best meet these needs. Please check our The Student Device – Minimum Specifications for additional detail.


Shall my child come to school with a Windows device or an Apple device?

Either platform will work. An overwhelming majority of our learning resources for students are Internet-based and therefore do not require a specific operating system. 


Shall we purchase and pre-install productivity software, e.g., the Microsoft Office Suite, or Apple Pages & Apple Numbers, on our child’s device?

Virtually all writing, spreadsheet, and presentation requirements for school can be successfully addressed using the Google Apps for Education suite provided by Hackley. All students will receive a Google Suite account associated with the school, and all components of this Google suite are available online. Therefore, Chromebooks can also successfully use these products. In a select few upper grade level courses, e.g., Science, Computer Science, AP Art, the coursework may require the installation of a specific application, thus requiring the student to use a fully functional laptop and not a Chromebook. You and your child can learn more by checking with your child’s teacher.


Can my child use an iPad or another tablet option instead of a laptop-style device?

The short answer is “Yes”, but with several caveats. Student writing is a key element of upper school student life. Many of our students find the external keyboard for an iPad or tablet to be somewhat small and restrictive and, therefore, prefer a device with a full-sized keyboard. Additionally, many of our learning platforms work best when using either the Chrome or Firefox browsers. These are not fully functional on an iPad. Finally, if your student plans on taking one of the courses listed in the above question, then a fully functional laptop would be recommended as the student will be asked to install specific programs needed to participate in the course.