How Many Lines Of Code Is That? – Edudemic

By Katie Lepi on February 6, 2014

Understanding how to code is a great skill to have. In fact, it is growing to be an important part of a well-rounded education – slowly but surely. With so many careers of the future slated to be STEM based, knowing how to code can be a huge bonus in the job market. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, two of the fastest-growing occupations are in computer science and related fields – expected to grow 53.4% by 2018.There are so many different resources out there to help you learn how to code, and yet so many people still don’t know how, and don’t value the skill a whole lot. Luckily, there are big efforts being made to bring awareness to coding. The Hour Of  Code is probably still the most well known at this point, but look out for more to come!

The handy infographic below takes a look at how many lines of code it takes to create…stuff. From basic iPhone games to entire operating systems for computers, just how much code does it take to make our electronic lives happen? Just a fun, visual way of showing just how much coding is in our daily lives!

How Many Lines Of Code Is That?

100,000 to 999,999 lines of code: iPhone apps, older (80s) versions of software like Photoshop

Between 1 and 5 million lines of code: Photoshop CS6, Hubble Space Telescope, US Military Drone

Between 5 and 10 million lines of code: The latest version of Google Chrome, the Mars Curiosity Rover

Between 10 and 25 million lines of code: Total flight software for a Boeing 787, MySQL, a Chevy Volt

Between 25 and 50 million lines of code: Microsoft Office 2013, Windows 2000

Between 50 and 100 million lines of code: US Army Future Combat System, Large Hadron Collider, Facebook, Mac OSX Tiger

Over 100 million lines of code: Car software for a modern high end car, the US website (reportedly)

via How Many Lines Of Code Is That? – Edudemic.

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