Ode to a Basket
by: Fiona P. ’26, Juno Y. ’26 & Keira P. ’26
The basket is like a meadow,
With tall gra-ses and a faded barn.
It travels, floating on the water,
Filling with sugary and sweet delights.
Reminding me of joyfully walking through orchards
Swinging baskets around. but in truth
The basket is nothing but an old, broken down thing.
Food at Hackley
by: Jack Y. ’24
Food at Hackley is delicious
Specially the Cheddar Sandwich
I just ate one
My tastebuds said yum
Yesterday We Had to do a Lot of Court Sprints: A Haibun
by: Charlotte F. ’24
Yesterday we had to do a lot of court sprints during tennis practice. They made me really tired. Now my muscles ache a lot and it hurts to laugh.
Ripples of wind fly
Through petals of young flowers
They float gently down
Ye Olde Town
by: Afsana D. ’23
What has this town
Been through and seen?
This old lonely road
Holds secrets we cannot understand,
Through the cracks in the pavement
Grow fragments of its past.
The road’s asphalt
Have stories aching to be heard
Buried underneath.
Ye Olde Town!
In which treasures lie!
Treasures underneath
Tales untold
Tales of bravery,
All glossed over
With the changing of the world.
Even still, this road stands
People have come and gone
This road still stands.
Buildings from the old,
Wares from the new,
People have come from all across the globe
Just to see
Ye Olde Town.
This town has been silent
But soon it will speak
Only to those
Who listen.
Ye Olde Town!
Holding its own rustic charm.
Ye Olde Town!
Refusing to succumb to the new.
Ye Olde Town!
What have you in store?
For the weary traveler,
Seeking your tale?
The one
Who is willing to listen?
What will you tell them?
What will you say?
Ye Olde Town,
Ye Olde Town.
Standing still,
Moving fast.
People cross
People pass.
Another night,
Another day.
Ye Olde Town,
What have you to say?
Why Weren’t There Tacos Today?
by: Aiden w. ’24
Why weren’t there tacos today? It would make everyone happy. After a hard day a treat is good.
They sit in the dark.
Everyone passes by
Alone from all touch.