One of the most rewarding experiences in writing my second book (The Kickstart Guide to Making GREAT Makerspaces, Fall 2017) has been having the honor of being able to highlight and showcase GREAT makerspaces far and wide. In doing that research, I discovered some unconventional spaces that clearly have taken an out of the box approach to planning their makerspaces.Despite the many spaces out there that are essentially exactly alike, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to planning a makerspace. Makerspaces should as unique and meaningful as the communities they are in. It is my hope that the links and spaces below can a new and unique perspective on what makerspaces can be. Each space described below is unique, emphasizing different skills or themes. Although some of these spaces are not in K-12 schools, there certainly are things we can learn and apply to educational makerspaces.
Source: Out of the Box Approach to Planning Makerspaces | Tech Learning