Lego Engineering

LEGO Engineering is developed by the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO), with the support of LEGO Education and innovative teachers from around the globe, including the Engineering Design Group Educators (EDGE).

The mission of LEGO Engineering is to inspire and support teachers in bringing LEGO-based engineering to all students.

The focus of this site is on educators who are ready to go beyond the basics with LEGO-based engineering.

Source: About

Internet of LEGO

I’ve set out to learn more about the Internet of Things, using my favorite childhood toy, Lego! I will combine my passion for computers and electronics to build an interactive Lego city, just because I can. There have already been several challenges and accomplishments with this project, which is why I thought it would be helpful to share my experiences with the world.This blog will be a collection of circuit projects, coding examples, Lego building, and whatever else I find amusing along the way.If you have ideas or product you would like to donate to the project, please reach out!
Source: About | Internet of LEGO