Highland Park High School clubs creates apps – chicagotribune.com

By Denys Bucksten, Special to the Tribune

February 27, 2013

The month-old Hello World computer science club at Highland Park High School has more than 30 underclassmen in a school lab learning to write code for mobile apps, with new members joining every week.

The club and its free-style study model is the brainchild of freshman Ethan Eirinberg, who asks more questions of himself and others than Alex Trebek in a round of Jeopardy.

Eirinberg said a teen’s idea of a cool app is “Snapchat,” which allows a user to text a photo for friends to enjoy — after which the images disappear and aren’t downloadable. Also popular are apps like Instagram, Alien Blue, Unblock Me and Subway Surfers, according to a quick poll of club members.

via Highland Park High School clubs creates apps – chicagotribune.com.

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